Lexi-Liam Design

Lancaster Legends 4” Decals


Show your Legends pride with our selection of custom printed decals.  These are a UVDTF decal which is unlike ordinary decals you can purchase anywhere.  They are a permanent UV and scratch resistant sticker which means they do no come off easily, scratch, peel, or fade.  We do not recommend putting the on your vehicles painted surface unless you plan to leave it there for good.  These stickers can be placed on any hard surface however if you place them on a cup we just recommend not running them thru the dishwasher as the heat can affect the adhesive.  

Directions to apply-  Peel the backing off the sticker and stick.  Once it touches a surface you will not get it back off without destroying it so be sure you are in the spot you want it.  Press firmly with a squeegee or credit card and then peel the front film off.


Lancaster Legends 4” Decals
